Embracing the Fall, Samantha Long

Samantha Long

Embracing the Fall, Samantha Long

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Artist: Samantha Long

Title: Embracing the Fall

Medium: Oil on panel

Price: $6,045

Dimensions:  24 x 18 inches

Artist Statement: Since I first heard the phrase, “measure of creation,” I’ve thought a lot about it. It is a curious one. Nowhere does it appear in scripture, yet it is an integral part of our theology. Often I have contemplated what exactly the measure of my creation is. I have come to see it in universal terms as follows: Firstly, we are to develop and grow as spirit children. Next we are to come to earth to gain a physical body and be tried and tested. While we are here, we make covenants with God, which includes choosing an eternal companion. Next we are to help create physical bodies for God’s spirit children. We aid His children in their mortal progression, and in turn we, too, progress. Finally, we are to endure to the end of our mortal journey, die, be resurrected through the power of Jesus Christ, and continue our progression into the eternities. In short, our purpose is to become as God is.

To accomplish this mission, the Fall is central to our progression towards godhood. We need to understand the difference between good and evil and have opportunities to choose one or the other in order to grow and develop our ability to use godly power. Until we accept the consequences and limitations of mortality, we cannot move forward on our quest.

To represent this pictorially, I have placed my figures in the act of harvesting fruit. Their clothing is in various stages of white and pink to illustrate how washing our garments in the blood of the Lamb is a process. The more we partake of the fruit, the more we come to a better understanding of truth. We become empowered to exercise our agency to more completely apply the atoning blood of Christ in our lives.