Mother • Artist, Julie Berry

Julie Berry

Mother • Artist, Julie Berry

Regular price $650.00
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Artist: Julie Berry

Title: Mother • Artist

Medium: Mixed media monoprinted paper and acrylic

Price: $650

Dimensions:  24 x 24 inches

Artist Statement: "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before." -President Dieter F. Utchdorf

As a mother and an artist, I have shared in the power of creation.

My Journey through motherhood and my artistic process are a unique expression of my creative vision.

As a mother, I nurture my children. As a creator, I nurture my art. Guiding them both from conception to completion with care and devotion. Each involves moments of joy and fulfillment, as well as trials and challenges. Each endeavor enriches my spirit, presenting opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and connection with others.

It is in the quiet corners of my studio where paint, paper, and brush come together and I find peace and purpose.

Like a mother sending her children out into the world, I release my creations with a mixture of pride and trepidation, trusting in their ability to find their place.

This painting illustrates the creative spirit of a female artist reflecting on her worth, likening her nurturing of artistic creations to maternal care. Rather than external validation, she finds fulfillment in her creations. She is inspired by the divine powers that surround her and help her to fulfill her purpose and the measure of her creation.