Artist: Kirsten Holt Beitler
Medium: Pigment Pen on Sintra
Titles: Hood Ornament At Lakeside Storage Provo Utah, Reams Grocery Sign Provo Utah, Lehi Roller Mills Lehi Utah, Elvis At Lakeside Storage Provo Utah, Dodge Royal Lakeside Storage Provo Utah, Marilyn At Lakeside Storage Provo Utah, B&H Drugs Provo Utah, Temple City Motel Sign SLC Utah, Sullivan Cafe Sign Heber Utah, Maddox Ranch House Sign Perry Utah
Artist Biography: Kirsten Holt Beitler is an artist, teacher, and divorced mom of four boys. She currently works as a sign artist for Harmons grocery stores. During her free time she creates symbolic contemporary portraits and figurative works in many mediums. In this series of small works for the annual JKR Business Card Show, Kirsten explores her love of vintage signs, cars, and kitsch.