Compassionate Surrender by Heidi Leavitt

Heidi Leavitt

Compassionate Surrender by Heidi Leavitt

Regular price $3,200.00
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Artist: Heidi Leavitt

Title: Compassionate Surrender

Medium: Oil on ABS

Price: $3200

Dimensions: 22 X 29 inches

Artist Statement: 

Jesus set many examples for us. One of the most important may possibly be his absolute surrender to the will of His Father. This willing submission is why he was able to say that he and His Father are one. I wish I could wrap my head around what emotions he must have been feeling as he surrendered his will with the words “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Compassionate Surrender provides a sweet reminder that in order to be one with Christ we too need to willingly submit our will to his.