Artist: Nicole Woodbury Preece
Title: Line Upon Line Trio
Medium: Marbled Porcelain Mason Stains & Clear Glaze
Price: $1,000
Dimensions: (1) 3 x 4 x 3 inches (2) 6 x 5 x 4 inches (3) 4 x 3 x 3 inches
Artist Statement: Line upon line, the strata of rock formations records an ancient history of creation. Line upon line and precept upon precept, we acquire knowledge and learning, each adding to our own experiences and perceptions. Imitating the geological process, I compressed layer upon layer, sliced through fold upon fold, and eroded pigmented clay. The form opens, closes and twists; each line and layer connects and builds upon the other, exposing a unique marbling and burgeoning into a shape of infinite possibility.
Artist Biography: I use delicate curves of white string to capture the imagery of neurons and to create a cross-section of what our thoughts might look like. The designs loosely reference the idea of inkblot tests, in which a person's unconscious mind is understood by what they notice in an organic image.