Title: With Wondering Awe II (Mary and Infant Jesus)
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 12x18
Price: $2,100
Artist Bio: D.C. native and Virginia raised artist Rose Datoc Dall is a Filipina-American contemporary figurative painter known for her bold, unconventional colors, unique compositions, and linear graphic quality. While all of her figurative work is metaphorical and spiritual in a general way, her most iconic works are her devotional pieces on the life of the Savior. She is an award-winning artist, including being a 3-time Purchase Award Winner of the International Art Competition held by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Several of her works are part of the permanent collection at the Church History Museum, Brigham Young University and Southern Virginia University. Her work graces church buildings and meetinghouses worldwide, church office buildings, including the Mesa Temple Visitors Center, as well as appearing in church publications, books and magazines. Rose, raised in Virginia, earned her BFA in Art History and Fine Art Studio in 1990 from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Rose and her husband have four children, three grandchildren, and live in Woodland Hills, Utah